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Rails 4.1 - Write to MySQL database without typecasting

I have a column in my MySQL database which is of type TINYINT(1). I need to store actual integers in this column. The problem is, because of the column type, Rails 4.1 assumes this column contains only boolean values, so it typecasts all values besides 0 or 1 to be 0 when it writes to the database.

I don't want to simply disable boolean emulation since we have a number of columns in our database where we use TINYINT(1) to actually represent a boolean value. And I am currently not able to change the column types in MySQL.

How can I force Rails 4.1 to bypass the typecasting step and write directly to the database instead?

(This excerpt from the Rails 4.1 source may be of some use: https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/4-1-stable/activerecord/lib/active_record/attribute_methods/write.rb)

like image 752
Ben Visness Avatar asked Jun 23 '15 20:06

Ben Visness

2 Answers

Could you use raw SQL to do the insert?

Something like:

sql = "INSERT INTO my_table (smallnumber) VALUES (100)"
like image 84
user1002119 Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 02:10


I don't know if it works but you can try to overwrite the setter using the method :raw_write_attribute or :write_attribute. The :raw_write_attribute and :write_attribute methods disable/enable the type casting before writing.

Let's say the attribute/column is called :the_boolean_column_who_wanted_to_be_an_integer, you can probably do something like:

def the_boolean_column_who_wanted_to_be_an_integer=(value)
  raw_write_attribute(:the_boolean_column_who_wanted_to_be_an_integer, value) # or write_attribute(...

Does it work?

like image 1
d34n5 Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 02:10
