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New posts in ruby-2.0

Cannot run Unicorn with Ruby 2.0

Prawn - Adding an image along with text in a table cell

How do I override an attr_accessor getter from a module?

Why the `singleton` methods can't be defined on `Fixnum`,`Bignum`,`Float`,`Symbol` class objects, but ` FalseClass` and `TrueClass` can have?

ruby ruby-2.0

Install SASS using gem on Windows 8

gem sass ruby-2.0

Classic hash to dot-notation hash

Can't modify frozen Fixnum on Ruby 2.0

ruby ruby-2.0

Single Table Inheritance (STI) parent ActiveRecord .subclasses .descendants returns empty

Local variables within if statement

ruby ruby-2.0

Nginx + Passenger + Rails - 403 forbidden

Install Ruby 2.0.0-p247 with rbenv

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problems installing nokogiri gem on mac osx snow leopard with Ruby 2.0.0-p353

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Can't get new Rails app with Devise to display sign_in/sign_up pages

Heroku: 'bundle command not found' under Ruby 2.0.0

Ruby keyword as named hash parameter

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Can't install bundler 1.3.0 with ruby 2.0

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What's the best way to return an Enumerator::Lazy when your class doesn't define #each?

Is { 'symbol name': "some value" } valid Ruby 2 syntax for Hashes?

Regex parsing citation issue

regex pdf ruby-2.0