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Ruby refinements not working in CI server

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How do I split up an argument string Bash-style in Ruby?

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Why do people use `Module.send(:prepend, …)`?

How to prevent installing documentation for gems automatically using gem v. 2.0

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using a lambda or proc and rails-money

ruby 2.0 undefined method ObjectSpace.trace_object_allocations

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How fix this error: kernel_require.rb:45:in `require': cannot load such file?

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Compiling Ruby 2.1 to bytecode

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Rails 4 - strong parameters concept involvement in spree-2.1

undefined method `caches_action' for ApplicationController:Class

How to get the name of the calling alias method?

How to get Rails 4 ActionController::Live streaming working with Thin and Ruby 2? And how do Thin and Puma scale with live streaming?

Ruby 1.9.3 -> 2.0 alias_method and extend

Rails 4 server fails, Ruby 2.0 segmentation fault, Abort trap 6

Why keyword arguments must be passed as hash with symbol keys, not string keys in Ruby?

Devise change email does not update email

Ruby 2.0.0 RVM fails compilation OS X 10.8.2 Mountain Lion

What is the current status of named arguments (named method parameters, keyword arguments) in Ruby? [closed]