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Why keyword arguments must be passed as hash with symbol keys, not string keys in Ruby?

We cannot pass keyword arguments as hash with string keys, keyword arguments works only with hash as symbol keys.

A simple example:

def my_method(first_name:, last_name: )
  puts "first_name: #{first_name} | last_name: #{last_name}"

my_method( {last_name: 'Sehrawat', first_name: 'Manoj'}) 
#=> first_name: Manoj | last_name: Sehrawat

my_method( {first_name: 'Bob', last_name: 'Marley'})
#=> first_name: Bob | last_name: Marley

my_method( {'first_name' => 'Kumar', 'last_name' => 'Manoj'})
#=> Error: missing keywords: first_name, last_name (ArgumentError)

What is the reasoning behind it?

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Manoj Sehrawat Avatar asked Feb 12 '15 12:02

Manoj Sehrawat

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2 Answers

The short version would be because Matz says so - on this rubymine issue he comments

I am negative for the proposal. My opinion is that you should not (or no longer) use strings as keywords.

That actual issue is around something that happens as a consequence of this, but if Matz says no it's unlikely to happen. I don't know if he has further expounded on why he is against this.

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Frederick Cheung Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 06:10

Frederick Cheung

The implementation of * and ** could be relevant:

def gather_arguments(*arguments, **keywords)
  puts "arguments: #{arguments.inspect}"
  puts " keywords: #{keywords.inspect}"

gather_arguments('foo' => 1, bar: 2, 'baz' => 3, qux: 4)


arguments: [{"foo"=>1, "baz"=>3}]
 keywords: {:bar=>2, :qux=>4}
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Stefan Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 05:10
