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embedding barcode generated with barby gem into the prawn document

Prawn - Adding an image along with text in a table cell

How to set the color of a horizontal line in Prawn?

Ruby prawn-table gem : How to select last row of a table?

Set dynamically height for entire Prawn PDF Document

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Sinatra + prawn example?

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Ruby Prawn - Determine the width of a mono spaced font

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Ruby 1.9.1 Load Path Craziness

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How to convert base64 string to PNG using Prawn without saving on server in Rails

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Why numbers getting reversed when formatted in RTL Arabic - Rails application?

Prawn: anchor middle of the text to the given point

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Generating PDF's with signatures using Ruby or Ruby on Rails

Rails PDF generating alternative to Prawn

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Build a PDF from a template in Ruby on Rails

Embedded Font Error for Rails Prawn Document

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Prawn PDF - How to get the height of a text box

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Check boxes with the Prawn Gem

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Current Cursor Position when Using the Prawn Ruby Library

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