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New posts in active-model-serializers

How to render json with extra data with active_model_serializer on rails?

Using ActiveModel::Serializer in Rails - JSON data differs between json and index response

activemodel serializer has_one with custom root name

Rails Active Model Serializer Include Concerns

how does rails ActiveModel::Serializers compare to grape?

Ember.js current_user - accessing global variable from controller

In active-model-serializers, how to limit the associated objects returned from a has_many association?

Is it possible to use ActiveModel::Serializers outside of Rails controller?

Active Model Serializers has_many associations

Disable root in active model serializers

Rails Active Model Serializer include in controller not injecting has many relationship in included parameter

Active Model Serializer and Custom JSON Structure

Serialising async hasMany relationships

Migrating Active Model Serializer from 0.8 to 0.10 rc2

Speeding up large data graph query and rendering with AMS

Serialize JSON association for children of a model

ActiveModelSerializers isn't used for render json