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New posts in redcarpet

How to embed a YouTube video in Markdown with Redcarpet for Rails?

How to configure Haml's :markdown filter to use Redcarpet with options?

Ruby/Redcarpet: strip markdown from text

ruby markdown redcarpet

Jekyll, modify the way some html tags are rendered

Installing redcarpet gem on mavericks

Markdown not interpreted by Ruby redcarpet correctly

ruby rubygems redcarpet slate

Markdown citations in octopress

Using ERB in Markdown with Redcarpet

Syntax highlighting in jekyll using redcarpet

Why does Pygment.rb not highlight <code> tags within <pre class="lang"> properly -i.e. Google Prettify friendly tags?

Markdown live preview like stackoverflow for redcarpet on rails

Prevent HTML included in markdown file being processed further by Jekyll?

markdown jekyll redcarpet

Rails & Redcarpet: uninitialized constant Redcarpet::Render when used in ApplicationHelper

Redcarpet 2.0.1

ruby-on-rails-3 redcarpet

How can I convert github flavored markdown to HTML?

github markdown redcarpet

How to extend redcarpet to support auto linking user mentions?

How to Modify Redcarpet Markdown so it can handle classes?

custom markdown in user input

Markdown Line Breaks in Code Blocks

ruby haml markdown redcarpet