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New posts in custom-data-type

Haskell recursive datatype with state

Haskell: Understanding custom data types

Stream data type implementation in Haskell

Umbraco get PreValues in a data type

VBA Handling multiple custom datatype possibilities

Why so many custom data types in C?

How to define a lambda function that filters list based on subtype of a sum type?

How to convert a custom type to an Integer in Haskell?

Handling `id` in derived Aeson FromJSON instances with Aeson/JSON

Is a Haskell type constructor 'just' a function?

Defining DataRange Expression in Protege for a Data Type Property

Rails migrations with database-specific data types

Why does ('1'+'1') output 98 in Java? [duplicate]

SQL server query to get the list of columns in a table along with Data types, NOT NULL, and PRIMARY KEY constraints