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New posts in algebraic-data-types

In Agda is it possible to define a datatype that has equations?

agda algebraic-data-types

Flatten a tree (nested list) up to a certain depth

Extending algebraic data type

Haskell typeclasses with algebraic data types

Mutually recursive datatypes

Haskell: Understanding custom data types

Stream data type implementation in Haskell

Design of data types in Haskell

Mapping data constructors to types

How does the Scala type system know that cons + Nil is exhaustive?

ADTs in F# and Scala [closed]

Are there default values for record getters in Haskell?

Record syntax and sum types

No infinite type error for records

list data type haskell with bounds

What is the preferable memory layout of Algebraic Data Types?

llvm algebraic-data-types

GADTs or phantom types to type-check function calls but keep homogeneity of type

Sum or Product Type?

How to use the fold function in Haskell with other datatypes