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Aeson Prisms with "free" references

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How to merge Aeson objects?

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How to use Parsers from Aeson with IO

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Haskell ADTs with aeson

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Data.Aeson encoding optional keys

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Aeson: parsing dynamic keys as type field

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Aeson : generics with default values

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Navigating JSON objects in a generic way in Haskell

Haskell Date parsing

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How do I parse this JSON with Aeson?

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unexpected Haskell Aeson warning: No explicit implementation for 'toJSON"

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In aeson, how do you encode from a Value without resulting in scientific notation?

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Parsing a nested array of objects with Aeson

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When parsing JSON with Aeson, why is Maybe treated differently when it's in a type parameter?

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Aeson: parse enumerated data types

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How to serialise Haskell ADTs as tidy JSON, using Aeson?

Serialize a map to YAML with a specific order

Aeson and Lenses with error handling

I'd like to store aeson's Value type using acid

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Why doesn't GHC Haskell support overloaded record parameter names?