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New posts in django-haystack

ImportError when using Haystack 2.0.0 with Django 1.5 and Gunicorn WSGI

Django-haystack: how do I select which index to use in a SearchQuerySet?

django django-haystack

xapian and django-haystack

Django Haystack : search for a term with and without accents

Django Haystack and Taggit

django django-haystack

haystack elasticsearch connection refused

How to parse "2015-01-01T00:00:00Z" in Django Template?

A good django search app? — How to perform fuzzy search with Haystack?

Django Haystack/ElasticSearch indexing process aborted

Using django-haystack, how do I order results by content type

django django-haystack

No module named query on haystack

Safe filter with highlight template tag django-haystack

Django: gettext raises ValueError: 'plural forms expression could be dangerous'

Search within a single model with Django Haystack

Django-haystack search for #hashtag [duplicate]

haystack.exceptions.SearchBackendError: No fields were found in any search_indexes. Please correct this before attempting to search

CentOS 6.4 + Haystack (2.1.0) + ElasticSearch (1.2.1) = SearchParseException ... Parse Failure