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New posts in gettext

gettext-style keys with i18next, and general workflow

How to install gettext extension for php on Heroku?

django-admin makemessages: how does it work with txt, xml and other files?

Zend GetText and .mo .po files

zend-framework gettext

Modify/update an entry in a po file with polib in Python

python translation gettext po

How to force gettext to translate a specific language, independently from current language?

php translation gettext

xgettext won't scan plural form

Inserting translator notes/comments in PHP files

How to use xgettext iteratively to update .po files for translation

Printing " with gettext

escaping gettext

Word conjugation with Django i18n and gettext

Spring: How to get the "ACTUAL" / "CURRENT" locale like it works for messages?

python gettext: specify locale in _()

Fleshed out .po file sample

Where is 'source text' determined, using Poedit

wordpress gettext poedit

How to use xgettext how to parse directory?

php gettext

poedit and xml files

getText() returns a blank in Selenium even if the text is not hidden. I also tried JavaScript

javascript selenium gettext

Gettext (i18n) and Smarty running erraticly

php smarty gettext php-gettext