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Concatenate a variable and a string in Smarty in order to include a file

do things with the return value of smarty function?

php javascript smarty

Using smarty variable within {php} tags

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Smarty Regular Expression Match

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Smarty: How to fix "unknown modifier 'rewrite'" exception?

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Smarty templates take variable and use in include string?

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Alternatives to Smarty for separating presentation from code in php?

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How to include static html in php/smarty

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Smarty: get the current physical file path

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how to print an array in smarty?

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{$foo|@print_r} prints '{$foo|@print_r}' on the screen

php smarty

alternative to Smarty {literal} tags for dynamic JavaScript

Minify HTML outputs in Smarty

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If I am using CAKEphp do I need to use smartytemplates too?

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Wrong page number on setPage() function: 0

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Smarty: unset an array index in template

Including PHP file inside smarty template file

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Multiple parameters to Smarty modifier

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CodeIgniter: Measure Page Load Time

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How to include Smarty 3 into Laravel 4?

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