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New posts in folding

Scala: Idiomatic way to generate a fixed length sequence (folding infinite stream?)

scala stream folding

What does "(v) ->" mean in Android Studio?

Custom regions for code folding in Notepad++

How to allow code-folding on Geany IDE?

A bigger loop in Scala

vim how to fold an html tag

vim folding

How to open all the folds containing a search pattern at the same time?

vim folding

Netbeans IDE : How do I fold large chunks of Javascript code in Netbeans?

javascript netbeans folding

How to implement code folding in C#

c# vsx folding

Custom Code Folding - code folding wherever I want (Notepad++)

notepad++ folding

ScintillaNET not showing folding for method blocks

VS Code Folding Based on Brackets - Not Indentation

How to fold all occurrences of a regex in vim?

regex vim folding

Exporting Vim folds?

vim folding

Sourcecode syntax highlighting with Code Folding

How to make Eclipse (pydev) automatically fold all comments when opening a file?

python eclipse pydev folding

How can I autofold POD in Perl with vim?

perl vim folding

Sublime Text 3 Multiline Method Folding

Automatic ruby folding in vim

ruby vim folding

How do you feel about code folding? [closed]

visual-studio folding