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New posts in multiline

fail2ban custom filter on multiline

regex multiline fail2ban

regex, multiline extract in R

regex r multiline

Java regex program not working as expected

java regex multiline

Multiline Strings in Swift [duplicate]

string swift multiline

Google App Engine Datastore multiline entries not displayed as multiline in HTML

Python Regex MULTILINE option not working correctly?

How can I match multi-line patterns in the command line with perl-style regex?

How do you match multiple lines with dot (DOTALL) in eclipse find regex

regex eclipse multiline

Do not allow Enter Key to make a new line in MultiLine TextBox C#

c# winforms textbox multiline

How to correctly have multi line yaml strings?

syntax yaml multiline

How to set a Textbox to allow multiple lines, and scrollability

Single Quoted String Over Multiple Lines

php string multiline

Height of TButton with Multiline caption does not fit its caption-text

Javascript regular expression string-replacement of multi-line strings

Rounding float using f-string

Setting android:lines on TextInputEditText not working

match and replace multiple newlines with a SED or PERL one-liner

Making a very long word fit in responsive element?

Render multiline text with Rails?