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New posts in multiline

JFlex Lexer. Multiline strings

string multiline lexer jflex

c# Textchanged event fires twice in a multiline TextBox

Paste multiline text in input type text (not textarea)

Simple way to parse and query multi-line semi-structured content

LESS Silent Multiline Comment

comments less multiline

Border around multiline text in a div (html/css)

html css text border multiline

How to copy and paste multiple lines/selections to the same number of multiple lines/selections without mapping them 1:1 in Sublime Text 2?

Vertical centering of multi-line cstatic text in MFC

Multi line text in a Web.Config file

what is the regexp pattern for multiline (logstash)

Logstash: Keeping a value across events

Xamarin.Forms: the MultiLineLabel doesn't longer work on Android

multiline formatting for verbatim strings in c# (prefix with @)

Latex: how to break a line inside $$

Ellipsize not working properly for a multiline TextView with an arbitrary maximum height

How to create a multiline entry with tkinter?

python input tkinter multiline