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antlr4 share rules across modes

java lexer antlr4

re2c scanners on C++ iterator source

c++ lexer re2c

Easy way to parse .h file for comments using Python?

python parsing lexer

why do some languages require function to be declared in code before calling?

Force CL-Lex to read whole word

lisp lexer

ANTLR4: lexer rule for: Any string as long as it doesn't contain these two side-by-side characters?

DFA minimization

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How to setup Javacc in windows 10

java parsing lexer javacc

ANTLR: How to skip multiline comments

JFlex Lexer. Multiline strings

string multiline lexer jflex

Define <LINE-START> and <LINE-END> in a lexer

How to merge two ASTs?

Different lexer rules in different state

antlr state antlr3 lexer

C# Dragon Book (Lexical analysis) How to handle literals

AnTLR4: INDENT and DEDENT tokens

python grammar lexer antlr4

What would be a good Delphi lexer/parser for Javascript language file? [closed]

ANTLR grammar: parser- and lexer literals

parsing antlr token lexer antlr3

Good parser generator (think lex/yacc or antlr) for .NET? Build time only? [closed]

.net parsing antlr yacc lexer

ANTLR What is simpliest way to realize python like indent-depending grammar?

antlr lexer indentation