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New posts in dfa

Construct DFA for L = {(na(w)-nb(w)) mod 3>0}

Confused on a basic operation of regular expressions

regex dfa nfa

DFA minimization

regex lexer dfa nfa

How to implement regular expression assertions/lookaround (i.e. \b style word boundary) using a DFA regular expression matcher

NFA DFA and Regex to Transition Table [closed]

regex dfa nfa

How to find the intersection of two NFA

drawing minmal DFA for the given regular expression

regular-language dfa nfa

Data structure to represent automata

haskell data-structures dfa

Why L={wxw^R| w, x belongs to {a,b}^+ } is a regular language

time complexity trade offs of nfa vs dfa

How can I simplify token prediction DFA?

java antlr antlr3 lexer dfa

Why is E(dfa) a decidable language?

Pumping lemma for regular language

can the compiler feasibly calculate a DFA from a regular expression?

Minimize a DFA with don't care transitions

How do you write a lexer parser where identifiers may begin with keywords?

parsing keyword lexer dfa

Recursive generic definitions and Stackoverflow in Java

How does "δ:Q×Σ→Q" read in the definition of a DFA (deterministic finite automaton)?

Regular expression that generates a DFA with dead or superfluous states

regex dfa nfa

How to convert a DFA to a Turing machine?

theory dfa turing-machines