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New posts in finite-automata

Construct DFA for L = {(na(w)-nb(w)) mod 3>0}

Theory of Computation - Showing that a language is regular

How the Perl regular expressions dialect/implementation is called?

Is there an efficient algorithm to decide whether the language accepted by one NFA is a superset of the language accepted by another?

(FInite State Machine) - Implementing a XML schema validator in javascript

How to merge two finite state automata?

Example of Non-Linear, UnAmbiguous and Non-Deterministic CFL?

How to find the intersection of two NFA

how to draw automata in java

Testing intersection of two regular languages

Are there any programs to draw and test state machines, turing machines, etc? [closed]

Building a lexer in C

What is the language of this deterministic finite automata?

Levenshtein DFA in .NET

How to get Ragel EOF actions working

What is the concatenation of this language with itself?

Can anyone please explain difference between finite state machine and finite automata?

Implementing A Nondeterminisic Finite Automaton(NFA)

How do I construct a function/type that observes each transition in this state machine?

haskell finite-automata

Real world uses of DFA,NFA,PDA and Turing machines