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New posts in turing-machines

Why are there a finite number of Turing machines?

Mapping of natural and recognizable languages in a finite Turing Machine

Why aren't recursively enumerable languages undecidable

Decidability and Recursive Enumerability

Prove whether this language is decidable and recognizable

Datalog computational class?

Turing Machine Instruction Table

Construct a Turing-Machine to decide ww^Rw


Turing machine for addition and comparison of binary numbers

Why is this an invalid Turing machine? [closed]

Time complexity versus space complexity in Turing machines

How to tell if a machine is Turing machine equivalent

Why is E(dfa) a decidable language?

Prove that this language is undecidable

Multiplication and Module Turing Machine


Real world uses of DFA,NFA,PDA and Turing machines

What are the useful limits of Linear Bounded Automata compared to Turing Machines?

How does a non deterministic turing machine work?

Universal Turing Machine Problems

turing-machines universal

What are the six basic primitives in Turing Complete