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Minimize a DFA with don't care transitions

I have a DFA (Q, Σ, δ, q0, F) with some “don't care transitions.” These transitions model symbols which are known not to appear in the input in some situations. If any such transition is taken, it doesn't matter whether the resulting string is accepted or not.

Is there an algorithm to compute an equivalent DFA with a minimal amount of states? Normal DFA minimisation algorithms cannot be used as they don't know about “don't care” transitions and there doesn't seem to be an obvious way to extend the algorithms.

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fuz Avatar asked Jul 03 '19 12:07


1 Answers

I think this problem is NP-hard (more on that in a bit). This is what I'd try.

  1. (Optional) Preprocess the input via the usual minimization algorithm with accept/reject/don't care as separate outcomes. (Since don't care is not equivalent to accept or reject, we get the Myhill–Nerode equivalence relation back, allowing a variant of the usual algorithm.)

  2. Generate a conflict graph as follows. Start with all edges between accepting and rejecting states. Take the closure where we iteratively add edges q1—q2 such that there exists a symbol s for which there exists an edge σ(q1, s)—σ(q2, s).

  3. Color this graph with as few colors as possible. (Or approximate.) Lots and lots of coloring algorithms out there. PartialCol is a good starting point.

  4. Merge each color class into a single node. This potentially makes the new transition function multi-valued, but we can choose arbitrarily.

With access to an alphabet of arbitrary size, it seems easy enough to make this reduction to coloring run the other way, proving NP-hardness. The open question for me is whether having a fixed-size alphabet constrains the conflict graph in such a way as to make the resulting coloring instance easier somehow. Alas, I don't have time to research this.

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David Eisenstat Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 21:10

David Eisenstat