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how do I add a comment tag in VSCode for HTML using Emmet?

Who invented zen coding and is there a published specification somewhere?

Custom JavaScript snippets for emmet (in Sublime Text 2)

Disabling the last tab cursor movement in a Sublime Text snippet

VSCode EJS extension, disables the HTML auto complete

Sublime3 - `PyV8` manual installation not working

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Zen Coding updated emacs mode

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Zen coding img src from a list

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VSCode: How to make Beautify and Emmet run on .tpl files (Smarty)?

Sublime Text 2 using Zen coding aka Emmet inside a script area

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How change short keys in Vim?

Parent selector for zen-coding

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Emmet abbreviation syntax multiplication puts all elements on same line instead of multiple?

Sublime Text 2 + Emmet - not expanding correctly

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Automatically update the closing tag when open tag changes with Sublime Text 2 on Mac OS X

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How to add html attributes and values for all lines quickly with vim and plugins?

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Emmet VIM trigger key remap issue

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Is it possible to EDIT built-in Emmet abbreviations in VSC?