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SQL SERVER 2014 Code Snippets missing

VSCode Advanced Snippet Transform

Who invented zen coding and is there a published specification somewhere?

how to improve this perl/bash one-liner to deserialize json data

perl bash code-snippets

Custom JavaScript snippets for emmet (in Sublime Text 2)

Dynamic Rstudio Code Snippet

r rstudio code-snippets

General Development Notes [closed]

in vim how can you insert the current date/time into a note

How can I make Sublime Text's "Improved Native for-loop" increment like a normal for-loop?

Make a vscode snippet that can use a variable number of arguments

SQL Server 2008 Management Studio Snippets

Remove default code snippets in Xcode 6

xcode xcode6 code-snippets

JavaScript and typescript shared snippets in vscode

Vim UltiSnips - 2 File Types for 1 Snippet File

VS Code No Longer Shows Default Code Snippet for Python

How to do "Surround-with" to a selected word with free-text(not predefined) in Visual Studio 2010, like in Vim