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NERDTree vim plugin, trying to add file without success

vim macvim nerdtree

How to hide these annoying gutters in MacVim?

vim macvim

macvim shell (:sh) only displays character codes / escape sequences

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How to start MacVim 7.3 snapshot 66 WITH its toolbar


How to copy all lines starting with a number in vim?

vim macvim

Deleting spaces on multiple lines in VIM

vim macvim

Is it possible to remap an Ex command in Vim (remap :Ack to :ack)?

vim macvim vim-plugin

Dealing with code indentation in Vim?

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Vim/sed/awk Find & Replace with Incremental Integer

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macvim: how to paste several times the same yanked word?

vim macvim

mkdir from MacVim

vim macvim

Persistent vim global marks

vim macvim

Run MacVim Inside Terminal

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How to set a default (permanent) working directory in Vim [duplicate]

vim macvim

Vim UltiSnips - 2 File Types for 1 Snippet File

UltiSnips not triggering correctly

.vimrc is not executed when opening a new tab in MacVim

macvim janus

Folding (expanding and colapsing) xml tags in vim (xml parsing)

vim xml-parsing macvim

Speed up VIM cursor moving through j/k [closed]

vim macvim

Powerline can be shown in multiple buffer, but not in a single buffer

vim macvim vim-plugin