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Zsh escape backslash


How do you switch to zsh when using Nitrous.io

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Does stdout get stored somewhere in the filesystem or in memory? [duplicate]

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Convert .zsh_history file to .bash_history file

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Why does redirection in pipelines behave differently in Bash and Zsh?

git and hardlink in linux

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How to enable zsh 5.0 highlighting and colouring of the command line?


macvim shell (:sh) only displays character codes / escape sequences

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How to do a case insensitive for loop in shell scripting

How to rename files using Zsh shell and `sed` command on Mac OSX

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zsh: how to delete contents in folder without deleting the folder?

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Zsh - split string by spaces when using dot operator

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How to replace part of filename recursively in terminal / .zsh?

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import .sql file into mysql from mac command line. tried mysql -u root -p db_name > path/to/dbfile.sql

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Unix Shell - Why are the same $RANDOM numbers repeated?

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zsh and dynamic variable

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Echo all aliases in zsh

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zsh: show completion group names

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Shell : logical ANDs and ORs instead of if-else

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Get last argument of last command on ESC-. ZSH Vim mode

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