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New posts in vscode-snippets

VSCode Advanced Snippet Transform

Make a vscode snippet that can use a variable number of arguments

VS Code No Longer Shows Default Code Snippet for Python

How can you capitalize this word in VIM snippet?

VSCode Code-Snippets transform: downcase and capitalize at the same time

how to make user snippets work inside strings: vscode

Snippet regex: match arbitrary number of groups and transform to CamelCase

Recording a 'macro'? or a series of actions in Visual Studio Code?

VS Code snippet with multiple transforms

How to remove the file extension using a snippet variable. List of snippet variables

VSCode nested snippets (or include a snippet inside another snippet)

Snippets with indentation in Visual Studio Code

Dynamic snippet evaluation in VSCode

VSCode user snippet to generate useState for React?

When creating a VSCode snippet, how can I transform a variable to title-case (like TitleCase)?

Using TM_SELECTED_TEXT in my custom snippets

VS Code: How to convert snippet placeholder from camelCase to SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE?

VS Code: How to convert snippet placeholder to uppercase or lowercase?

What's The Best Way To Write Multi-Line Code Snippets In VS-Code?