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New posts in specifications

Specifications and (null) Many-To-One Relationship

What's the meaning of "propagated to the viewport" in the CSS spec?

css specifications

Who invented zen coding and is there a published specification somewhere?

How do you collaboratively write specs? [closed]


What does the CSS specification say is correct way to measure an elements width?

Is HTML5 canvas capable of rich complex games like Flash?

flash html specifications

OpenGL 4 adoption

How is this kind of abuse of generics not ambiguous/trigger an error in the compiler

Is it specified anywhere that the numbers of anonymous classes start at 1?

java class specifications

Is there any HTML 5 construct that is ONLY supported in the XML serialization?

What kind of specs, documents, analysis do you get from superiors when starting a project? [closed]

Is there a specification for Emacs?

C# 4.0 Specification Beta?

c# c#-4.0 specifications

How does OpenID delegation work on the Relying Party? Have the specs changed recently?

openid specifications

In promises, is the callback order guaranteed?

Why does printf output float 1.45 with one decimal place, and 1.445 with two decimal places in different behaviors? [duplicate]

is JAXB a specification or an implementation?

Does the order of fields in C# matter?

c# field specifications