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Custom JavaScript snippets for emmet (in Sublime Text 2)

I am trying to add some custom javascript snippets and abbreviations to the snippets.json file of Emmet, but I can't get it to work! (I am using Sublime Text 2.)

If I put this into the end of the settings.json

"javascript": {

    "abbreviations": {
        "while": "while(true)\n{\n\t\n}"

    "snippets": {
        "asdf": "qwerty"

nothing happens. (I set the syntax of the file to javascript obviously)

But if I replace 'javascript' with 'css':

"css": {

    "abbreviations": {
        "while": "while(true)\n{\n\t\n}"

    "snippets": {
        "asdf": "qwerty"

it correctly overwrites the built in CSS snippets, and works fine. (I obviously set the syntax to css [otherwise it does NOT work])

What am I missing? according to this: http://docs.emmet.io/customization/snippets/ I should be able to define snippets for custom languages this way.

Note: I have tried 'js' for the language name too.

like image 915
Isti115 Avatar asked Feb 17 '23 08:02


1 Answers

You should use js as syntax name since Sublime Text defines JavaScript scope as source.js. In future, you should use source.(SYNTAX_NAME) part for syntax name.

And you shouldn’t use abbreviations section for snippets since abbreviations defines element blocks and should be written as HTML element. Use snippets section.

Note that in JS files in ST editor you have to use Ctrl+E to expand abbreviations since Tab key is disabled for this syntax.

And, as Protractor Ninja noted, it’s not a good idea to use Emmet snippets in editors that supports native ones.

like image 118
Sergey Chikuyonok Avatar answered Feb 18 '23 22:02

Sergey Chikuyonok