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how to improve this perl/bash one-liner to deserialize json data

I have a little bash program that calls a webservice that returns JSON data.

I have written the webservice program myself, I have complete control over its data sources, and thus I can trust the data that is returned.

Now I want to do something with the data.

The data is a simple, short key-value structure without nesting, and looks like this:

  "asciifile" : "../tmp/data_20120720_105746-01580.txt",
   "excelfile" : "../tmp/data_01580-20120720_105746.xlsx",
   "from" : "Jun 19, 2012",
   "msg" : "some info message, for the admin",
   "outfile" : "data--recent.txt",
   "outfile_excel" : "data--recent.txt.xlsx",
   "resolution" : "std"
   "to" : "Jul 20, 2012",
   "url_comment" : "another info message, for the screen/user",
   "url_outfile" : "http://www.example.com/path/tmp_cached_files/data--recent.txt",
   "url_outfile_excel" : "http://www.example.com/path/tmp_cached_files/data--recent.txt.xlsx",


Now I am using this one-liner to deserialize the json structure returned to perl code. See last line of this snippet:

output=$(eval $cmd)
outfile_excel=$(echo "$output"| json_xs -f json -t dumper | tee | perl -n0777 -E 'eval  "%h=%{$_}"; warn $@ if $@; say $h{outfile_excel}')

For example, I'm not sure why I came up with the %{$_} construct. Is there a better way to do this? Is there a shorter way or a safer way to write the last line?

SE Editors: if you wish, you may move this post to the codereview stackexchange site, but I don't have an account there.

Edit: After revisiting the post after 8 months, I'd like to add that these days I use this one liner for getting the name of my github repos:

 wget --quiet --auth-no-challenge --user knbknb --password secret  -O -
 https://api.github.com/user/repos |  
 perl  -MJSON -n0777 -E '$r = decode_json($_); map {say $_->{name}} @$r' -
like image 385
knb Avatar asked Feb 19 '23 19:02


2 Answers

Perl can decode JSON itself, so the next should give some idea, using LWP::Simple to get some json data.

perl -MLWP::Simple -MJSON \
-e '$ref = decode_json(get("http://your.url/to/webservice")); print $ref->{outfile_excel}'

The $ref contains a perl structure of all JSON data, print out as you want it..

like image 79
jm666 Avatar answered Feb 22 '23 09:02


There is jshon. You could simply call something like

curl http://somehere.tld/data.json | jshon -e url_outfile_excel

Which would print the value for the given key.

By the way. Having control over the webservice doesn't make the input trustworthy. Be careful when calling eval.

like image 21
Sebastian Stumpf Avatar answered Feb 22 '23 08:02

Sebastian Stumpf