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New posts in xterm

How can I launch multiple xterm windows and run a command on each, leaving each window open afterward?

linux bash unix ssh xterm

telneting backspace key is wrong [closed]

keyboard solaris telnet xterm

How curses preserves screen contents?

How to change xterm colors using .Xdefaults file?

linux colors xterm

How to delete MobaXterm "Custom sessions"

session xterm

Redirect not working correctly, 2> /dev/null becomes 2 > /dev/null and stderr doesn't get redirected

unix redirect xterm

How to implement proper mouse support in a terminal / terminfo entry?

ncurses xterm terminfo

Best way to add environment variables to MobaXterm

vim in Cygwin replaces first character with 'g' on opening a file

vim cygwin vi xterm

Terminfo smkx and Application Cursor Keys vs Application keypad

Redirect xterm to a background for a headless machine

bash ubuntu xterm

Mapping mouse events in vim through putty not working

vim map mouse xterm

xterm keep page from less in terminal after exit

linux bash xterm less-unix

Which $TERM to use to have both 256 colors and mouse move events in python curses?

Emacsclient does not respond to mouse clicks

Emacs, xterm, mousepad, C, Unicode and UTF-8: Trying to make sense of it all

c emacs unicode utf-8 xterm

Cygwin wraps text back on to the same line, causing text to be overwritten

bash cygwin xterm

Xterm -fa works, but not xterm*faceName


run xterm -e without terminating

bash execute terminate xterm

IPython 5.0 and key bindings in console