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GUI toolkit for rapid development?

user-interface unix solaris

File and directory with same name in same parent directory - Solaris 8, ufs

telneting backspace key is wrong [closed]

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What do programs see when ZFS can't deliver uncorrupted data?

C++ generate a random number between 0 and 100,000

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How to port gethrtime() in C from Solaris to RHEL

How do I translate init.d scripts from Ubuntu/Debian Linux to Solaris?

linux shell solaris init.d

How to print the number of seconds since unix epoch in solaris shell

unix date solaris

automatically linking socket shared library in *nix

Limiting shared library symbol visibility on Solaris

Fetching last n characters of string in ksh

linux string shell solaris ksh

What is your experience with Sun CoolThreads technology?


Is there a way to speed up C++ compilation times in Solaris Sun Studio 12?

Rename a file but keeping the orginal creation, modification time in UNIX

unix solaris file-rename

How to install libxml2 in unix

xml unix solaris

filter a file with other file in bash

linux bash shell solaris sh

Proxy choices: mod_proxy_balancer, nginx + proxy balancer, haproxy?

canonicalize a path name on solaris

bash path solaris symlink

How to view call stack with dtrace

c solaris dtrace

GCC/ELF - from where comes my symbol?

linux gcc solaris elf ld