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New posts in porting

Porting Silverlight to WPF

char* (Array) cast to unsigned long + 1?

java c arrays casting porting

Capture method missing in Javascript and do some logic?

Porting time APIs from Linux to Visual Studio 2008

Phonegap code as a web app

How to port gethrtime() in C from Solaris to RHEL

Mono with C# - Converting a WinForms interface over to Cocoa? (or whatever the default OS X interface is)

JPype doesn't work inside thread?

java python porting

Sending a HTTP POST request from Python (trying to convert from PHP)

Matrix transposition porting from Java to C, incompatible types issue

java c matrix porting

Write different hex-values in Python2 and Python3

Does a Boost test suite exist?

c++ boost porting

Mac OS X as PhoneGap platform

How to decide when to wrap/port/write-from-scratch

Are there any tools that assist in porting F# to OCaml?

f# real-time ocaml llvm porting

CommandError: One or more models did not validate

Need to port MS Visual C++ to Linux G++

Call by reference value's type casting in Unix

c unix casting porting

Confused about the use of ptrdiff_t in C++

java c++ porting

Translate C++ Constructor into Java

java c++ porting