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How to copy several Monticello commits from local repository to Smalltalkhub.com automatically?

What is the #includes: directive in Metacello?

smalltalk pharo metacello

Speeding up ComposableModel new openWithSpec (in Pharo v3)

What is the difference between = and == in Pharo Smalltalk?

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Standard Input in Smalltalk (Pharo) on Windows

smalltalk pharo

Pharo 9.0 warning message on starting - "The current VM does not support TFFI Callbacks."

smalltalk pharo

HowTo parse this (see description) text file in Pharo Smalltalk

parsing text csv smalltalk pharo

How can I change the font in a CommandShell window in pharo or squeak?

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Pharo FileSystem: How do I write a binary file?

smalltalk pharo

Pharo FileSystem: setUp of SUnit test which uses a file

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How do I call a Yes / No / Cancel dialog in Pharo 4.0?

smalltalk pharo

Does Pharo have immutable data structures such as maps and sets in its standard library?


Message forwarding with doesNotUnderstand in Smalltalk

smalltalk pharo

Unix crypt() function in smalltalk/pharo

smalltalk pharo

instanceVariables in traits smalltalk

smalltalk traits pharo

Create selector dynamically from string

json parser Pharo 2.0

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How to map dictionary to object of specific class?

Smalltalk Pharo String concatenation instead of streams

smalltalk pharo

How to get all items in from of Text from Ordered collection

smalltalk pharo