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Porting Silverlight to WPF

I have a large Silverlight LOB application which I'm trying to port to a desktop WPF application (because of Silverlight's slow death.)

The xaml & c# code port nicely but the original app uses WCF RIA Services. (Over 30,000 lines.) My question is, can I use the same WCF RIA Service with my WPF app?


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user2429448 Avatar asked Mar 12 '23 19:03


2 Answers

Here are a few resources you can use to decide if you want to go down that route

How to access a WCF RIA web service from a WPF client application

How to use WCF RIA SERVICES with WPF application?

How to open a WCF RIA Services application to other type of clients: the SOAP endpoint (3/5)

They mostly center around:

  1. Exposing a SOAP endpoint to your WCF RIA web service

  2. Accessing the WCF RIA service as a WCF web service from WPF

  3. Using the WCF SoapClient to access WCF RIA DomainService

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Nkosi Avatar answered Mar 16 '23 00:03


Yes you can as i've done this before, but because your just hitting the endpoint and effectively doing a get or post you lose the change tracking features that come with ria wcf services.

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user812368 Avatar answered Mar 16 '23 00:03
