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New posts in method-missing

Capture method missing in Javascript and do some logic?

Objective-C forwardInvocation:

Object#method and dynamic responders

ruby method-missing

Missing Value in Data Analysis

Doesn't Lua have something comparable to Ruby's method_missing?

Using method missing in Rails

Is it possible to replicate Ruby's method_missing in Lua?

Method-missing difficulties in C# 4.0: dynamic vs RealProxy

Ruby, get hours, seconds and time from Date.day_fraction_to_time

How to compose modules containing method_missing in ruby

ruby method-missing

Objective C and magic methods in class

Does Ruby have a method_missing equivalent for undefined instance variables?

Is there a "method_missing" for rake tasks?

ruby rake method-missing

What prevents a statically typed language from having something like Ruby's method_missing?

Ruby: why does puts call to_ary?

Ruby’s “method_missing” in Python [duplicate]

Python equivalent of Ruby's 'method_missing'