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How do I translate init.d scripts from Ubuntu/Debian Linux to Solaris?

I have several init.d scripts that I'm using to start some daemons. Most of these scripts I've found on the internet and they all use start-stop-daemon. My understanding is that "start-stop-daemon" is a command that is specific to Linux or BSD distros and is not available on Solaris.

What is the best way to translate my init.d scripts from Linux to Solaris? Is there a command equivalent to start-stop-daemon that I can use, roughly?

Since I'm not much of a Solaris user, I'm willing to admit upfront that I don't even know if my question is inherently invalid or not.

like image 923
Dave Jensen Avatar asked Jan 24 '23 00:01

Dave Jensen

1 Answers

start-stop-daemon is a Linux thing, and not used that much on Solaris. I guess you can port the command though, if you want to reuse your init scripts.

Otherwise it depends on what version of Solaris you are using. Starting with Solaris 10 and also OpenSolaris they use a new startup script framework "Solaris Service Management Facility", which you configure with the commands svcs, svccfg and svcadm.

See http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/server-storage/solaris/overview/servicemgmthowto-jsp-135655.html for more information.

For older Solaris releases most init scripts are written in pure shell without any helper commands like start-stop-daemon.

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Anders Westrup Avatar answered Apr 27 '23 23:04

Anders Westrup