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New posts in su

Running an app with root permission in Android

android permissions root su

Disable supersu permission dialog

android su

Force Close an app programmatically

android shell adb root su

Is it possible to run a shell command as root with only the su binary and no SuperSU or Superuser apk installed?

android root su

Android regular user login loses group information when su to another user in an ssh session

android ssh su

Running fabric scripts as root

python sudo fabric su

Run shell commands from android program

android permissions exec su

SSH Error - standard in must be a TTY

How can I switch to the user jenkins in the middle of a ssh script?

ssh sudo sh su

Escaping bash function arguments for use by su -c

Execute shell commands and get output in a TextView

Rooting ICS emulator; pushing su fails with "Out of memory"

android android-emulator su

How to net-ssh sudo su in Ruby

ruby sudo su net-ssh

Getting output from busybox commands within Android app

android shell loops busybox su

How to define environment variable in input command of su

bash shell su

Bash script to test if a given user can read a directory and all files inside?

bash filesystems su

Why fork bomb did not crash android?

android linux shell su

Root detection methodology in android which cannot be bypassed

android security root su

su and sudo in a shell script

linux shell sudo su