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New posts in android-drawable

Create rectangle shape drawable with two side curved corner in android

What's differences between 'drawable' folder and 'drawable-hdpi-ldpi-mdpi-xhdpi' folders?

how to draw alphabets and draw line on it by finger? [closed]

android android-drawable

easy arrow as drawable

android android-drawable

setColorFilter doesn't seem to work on kitkat

Completely change Android ImageView's color with tint color

Android Shape: Circle with tick mark

Need the image id from xml attributes custom widget

How should we use the mipmap folders added with android 4.4?

Can we draw a circle that uses Path object? [in arguments, like drawPath()]

Can't get rid of shadow under Android Button

How to change background color of drawable shape in custom adapter

Using setLayerInset on LayerDrawable with Bitmap gives unexpected results

android android-drawable

Not able to understand how to use different density images for 1.6+?

Custom coloured drawable as map marker in Google Maps API v2 - Android

Does BadgeDrawable not work for views within a FrameLayout such as buttons, images, textviews etc.?

Android - imageView.getDrawable() returns null

Make RelativeLayout checkable

Resource entry is already defined

Setting drawable folder to use for different resolutions