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New posts in android-canvas

Draw Circle at Center of Canvas

Android: Drawing on a new canvas

RTL support to custom editext for drawable left

Android - Drawing a maze to canvas with smooth character movement

Canvas object must be the same instance that was previously returned by lockCanvas

how to antialiasing in the canvas and path

android android-canvas

Android - Pinch zoom ontouch event coordinates

What do PorterDuff source and destination refer to when drawing on canvas?

Does Canvas.getClipBounds allocate a Rect object?

Android Canvas or Open GL ES for 2d game? [closed]

Can we draw a circle that uses Path object? [in arguments, like drawPath()]

How to Draw Rounded Rectangle in API Level below 21 on a Canvas

Scratch the screen to display an image in android

UnsupportedOperationException on clipPath

android android-canvas

How to draw a straight line in arc which connects the center with circumference

android android-canvas

How to draw a bitmap on a canvas, respecting alpha values of the bitmap?

face detection not detecting faces, Android

onPreviewFrame and Exception locking surface

How to rotate a rectangle drawn on canvas in Android?

Drawing bitmap without scaling on Android