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New posts in android-screen-support

samsung note 2 and note 3 screen bucket

Android studio layout size folders

Android layout scaling

Android Layout design principles [closed]

Drawables are always read from mdpi folder, regardless of screen size

difference between layout and layout-400dp-land

What exactly are the boundaries between Android's Density Buckets?

xxhdpi density added in API 16, what in <16 if I provide only xxhdpi resources?

Why 'xxhdpi' is not allowed value of screenDensity parameter in Manifest [Restricting tablets]

Manifest screen support Entry for Device only and Tablet Only

Different GUI on phone and tablet, but same app

Android - detect small tablet vs big phone?

Android : Restrict app not to run on Tablet

Android different screen size and different densities [duplicate]

drawable sizes for different screen sizes in android

how to auto resize, compatible, adjust screen size for all android devices

Supporting multiple screen size - Android

Restrict app installing in Tablets

Android: Disable application for tablet

Setting drawable folder to use for different resolutions