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New posts in android-screen-support

What is the smallest possible screen width in Android?

Why does a view with 600dp width take up all of my Nexus 5's landscape width? [duplicate]

How to define drawable folder name for multiple screen resolutions (conflict between Nexus 10 and Galaxy Tab 10)?

screen support multiple devices using layout-large,layout-normal and layout-xlarge folders

How to make my app look the same in all devices?

Android layout with sw600dp and sw720dp

Android - common techniques for scaling screen layouts

Android Smallest Width Layouts

Android "Support Screens" doesn't work?

React native resources issues

Have only one size for multiple auto-size TextViews

Nexus 6 and Nexus 9 Screen density

Understanding a support multiply screens

Creating multi-screen support app android

Android screen resolutions

Image blurry on another device

Android is not picking right dimens.xml file from values folder

Android handling multiple screens... (Relative Layout or Linear Layout)?

Explain the difference between drawable, drawable-ldpi, drawable-mdpi and drawable-hdpi

Get text content of the android screen