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New posts in android-screen

samsung note 2 and note 3 screen bucket

difference between layout and layout-400dp-land

What exactly are the boundaries between Android's Density Buckets?

How to dim screen to zero without conflicting with FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON

android android-screen

Is it possible to detect when the screen turns on by the user (Android)?

Android : Restrict app not to run on Tablet

How to create different layout for Galaxy S3 and Nexus 7?

Supporting multiple screen size - Android

What is the unit of the coordinate system of Canvas? - android

How can i have screen idle listener?

How can I Calculate screen height and width at run time?

How to define drawable folder name for multiple screen resolutions (conflict between Nexus 10 and Galaxy Tab 10)?

android get screen size including the size of status bar and software navigation bar

android android-screen

Android Activity Not Showing When Screen is Woken Up and Lock Screen Not Disabling

Android - How to access emulator screenshot via emulator?

Android - How to dynamically change fragment layout

Android screen resolution

android android-screen

Android: Disable application for tablet

Setting drawable folder to use for different resolutions