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New posts in android-actionbaractivity

Android L ActionBarActivity using Feinstein SldingMenu and AppCompat v21 is cut off at bottom of the screen

Android upper Copy/Paste toolbar

How to support searchItem.setOnActionExpandListener in API level 8+?

ActionBar is not showing the progress bar

How to add ActionBar to an activity which already extends ListActivity?

Android: Fragment's onOptionsItemSelected doesn't get called

Adding toolbar to activity causes NoClassDefFoundError

Error in startActionMode, appcompat

ActionBar styling after updating to Android lollipop

How does one remove default Toolbar menu items and replace with different icons?

Hide Action Bar in a Fragment Activity


NameNotFoundException at ActivityUnitTestCase with ActionBarActivity

OnClickListener fired after onPause?

AppCompat v7 Toolbar Up/Back Arrow Not Working

Android equivalent of getActivity() from/in ActionBarActivity

Back navigation with Fragments / Toolbar