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New posts in contextual-action-bar

Hiding/showing the contextual action bar programmatically

Creating a popup options menu in a contextual action bar

RecyclerView duplicating items after deletion from contextual action mode

How do I create a "Search" field in a contextual action bar?

Android expanded SearchView makes other ActionBar items disappear

How do we show a back button instead of done(checkmark) button in the contextual action bar on Android

Error in startActionMode, appcompat

How do I properly initiate a multi-select Contextual Action Bar for ListFragment (having issues)

Contextual Action Mode custom behavior

How to use Contextual Actionbar (CAB) with support.v7.widget.Toolbar and Listview?

ListView OnItemLongClickListener() not triggered

Styling the contextual action bar?

How to change the overflow icon of the contextual action bar without changing it for the standard action bar?

CAB overflow menu custom style

Webview text selection not clearing

How do you change the 'Done' text in a CAB?

How to start contextual action bar for text view programmatically with default opions copy and select all?

How do Android's new Toolbar and the Contextual Action Bar work together? [duplicate]