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New posts in notifydatasetchanged

Android add/replace Items within RecyclerView

Refresh ExpandableListView from within my adapter

recyclerview notifyDataSetChanged() is not working

RecyclerView duplicating items after deletion from contextual action mode

notifyDataSetChanged() doesn't work with my adapter for gridview

notifyDataSetChanged() not refreshing expandable list view

ExpandableListView getChildrenCount not called after data changed, leading to IndexOutOfBoundsException

Android: ListFragment refresh using notifyDataSetChanged() with custom adapter does not work

What is notifyItemRangeChanged(0, this.data.size()); in this example and how does it work?

notifyDataSetChanged() not refreshing adapter

Keep focus on TextView after notifyDatasetChanged() was called on custom listview?

How to swap item from one section to another section and vice versa in Recycler view?

Fragment does not respond to UI updates and eventbus events after resume

notifyDataSetChanged fails to update ListView

Error: Cannot Resolve notifyDataSetChanged(); Android

How to provide custom animation during sorting (notifyDataSetChanged) on RecyclerView