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New posts in onlongclicklistener

Add OnLongClickListener on android support TabLayout | TabLayout.Tab

OnLongPress increase time

onLongClickListener does not work on WebView

Add onlongclick listener to an alertdialog

OnLongClickListener not working

How do I properly initiate a multi-select Contextual Action Bar for ListFragment (having issues)

Receive a long press/click on a linear layout in android?

onLongClickListener never get trigered

Long Click on Clickable span not firing until click is released

ListView doesnt fire setOnLongClickListener, only setOnItemClickListener

Android to detect when you are holding down a button

onTouch, onLongClick together in android

Stop OnLongClickListener from firing while dragging

onTouchEvent onClick onLongClick calls

Calling delete method in custom content provider

How to prevent OnItemClickListener work when long click performed?

setOnClickListener and setOnLongClickListener call on single button issue

Android - Why does onItemLongClick(...) return a boolean?