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New posts in verilog

Is there a ifx-elsex statement in Verilog/SV like casex?

verilog system-verilog

Do all Flip Flops in a design need to be resettable (ASIC)?

Why do we use Blocking statement in Combinatorial Circuits designed using Always Block in Verilog/Systemverilog ? Why not Nonblocking?

Verilog (assign in always)


what are the uses of case 'inside's in verilog ? is it synthesizable?

verilog system-verilog

How do I get rid of sensitivity list warning when synthesizing Verilog code?

verilog synthesis

VHDL/Verilog: access HDMI port [closed]

vhdl verilog fpga xilinx hdmi

Problems with wires declared inside verilog generate blocks

declaration verilog

' Illegal output or inout port ' error when trying to simulate counter


Fill 0's with 1's beetween two 1's (synthesizable)

verilog system-verilog

Difference between behavioral and dataflow in verilog


FSM export using Yosys

verilog fsm yosys

System Verilog - case with or

case verilog system-verilog

Shift Registers Verilog

verilog vlsi

24 bit counter state machine

verilog fpga

combinatorial hardware multiplication in verilog

hardware verilog synthesis

Testing my HDL Code (Verilog/VHDL) without an FPGA?

Incrementing a counter variable in verilog: combinational or sequential

How do I install GTKWave on Windows?

gtk vhdl verilog simulator

what is this error "invalid module item" in verliog?
