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New posts in character-class

Print POSIX character class

bash posix character-class

Exclude "I" and "O" from alpha-numeric id in stringi character set

Make awk use character classes

regex awk character-class

Regex "^[[:digit:]]$" not working as expected in AWK/GAWK

awk gnu gawk character-class

Why does [^\w] match some word characters but not [^\p{Word}]?

perl character-class

How do you use a plus symbol with a character class as part of a regular expression?

regex bash character-class

How to insert variable in user-defined character class?

Is [\s\S] same as . (dot)?

How to print a Perl character class?

regex perl character-class

How do I write regexes for German character classes like letters, vowels, and consonants?

Why am I seeing different results for these two nearly identical Ruby regex patterns, and why is one matching what I think it shouldn't?

C++ regex character class not matching [duplicate]

c++ regex character-class

Hyphen and underscore not compatible in sed

regex sed character-class

How to redefine \s to match underscores?

regex perl character-class

What built-in regex character classes are supported Java

java regex character-class

Alphabetic order regex using backreferences

How to match Unicode vowels?

perl character-class

Python: POSIX character class in regex?

How to count uppercase and lowercase letters in a string?

java string character-class

Character class subtraction, converting from Java syntax to RegexBuddy