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normalize column data with maximum value of that column

awk gawk

AWK script to print line with the largest number of fields

linux unix awk gawk

Gawk regexp to select sequence

regex gawk

Why does (g)awk reverse these lines of output?

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Concatenate two columns of a text file

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Remove what follows Nth occurrence Using one-liners

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In Awk, how to call a function by using a string name?

awk gawk

Regex "^[[:digit:]]$" not working as expected in AWK/GAWK

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Regex with awk or gawk

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awk not rounding with OFMT and $0

awk gawk

Sorting Numerically with awk (gawk)

awk gawk

Parsing a .csv-like file in bash

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awk variable assignment statement explanation needed

awk gawk

Simple trouble with awk and regex

regex shell awk gawk

Subtructing n number of columns from two files with AWK

linux perl bash awk gawk

associative arrays in awk challenging memory limits

memory awk gawk

How to use multiple passes with gawk?

awk gawk

The differences between gawk and mawk (column width)

awk gawk

transpose column and rows using gawk

awk row transpose gawk

Why does awk "not in" array work just like awk "in" array?

awk gawk