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New posts in unicode-normalization

Is this Unicode NFC conversion correct?

Unicode sample text file for testing for Unicode related problems? [closed]

Breaking down a Hangul syllable into letters (jamo)

Unicode normalization in GWT [duplicate]

User expectations and unicode normalization

May a C++ compiler normalize Unicode identifiers?

OS X - how to calculate normalized file name

What component handles a Combining Diaeresis in a string?

Normalizing Unicode according to the W3C in PHP

Is a string in a compatibility normal form already in the corresponding canonical normal form?

Unicode comparison of Cyrillic 'С' and Latin 'C'

Which form of unicode normalization is appropriate for text mining?

get all unicode variations of a latin character

cyrillic strings Я̆ Я̄ Я̈ return length 2 instead of 1 in ruby and other programming languages

Change special characters in array Delphi

Are NFC normalization boundaries also extended grapheme cluster boundaries?

How to convert path to Mac OS X path, the almost-NFD normal form?

What kind of normalization is used by Swift string comparisons?

Is UTF8 injective mapping?

How do I properly implement Unicode passwords?